Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gjovaag Face Plant

On February 5th, Hubby-Eric called me from school to tell me that he'd been hurt in a "teaching accident". Well, no, actually it was in a pep rally adventure in which teachers and student did some kind of race.

When he got home, I found that his injuries consisted of two skinned knees, one skinned elbow, a bruised nose, a cut lower lip, and a badly wrenched shoulder that still hasn't fully healed.

A few days later we learned that a student had recorded the fall, and Eric asked if he could have a copy of the video. She asked if it would be ok to post it to YouTube, and he agreed. So, finally, here it is!

The fall happens about a minute in (56 seconds). Eric is the one in tan/grey in the farthest pair from the camera. Unfortunately, the video ends before all the students realize how hurt he is and start chanting his name as he's led out of the gym.

You'll have to ask Eric what he's doing in that first part of the video. Eating something while his partner in the game chugs a cola, I think.


Wings said...

Ow. Hope his face is feeling better!

Tegan said...

Everything is healed up except for the shoulder.

Jared said...

Ooooh... Well, it could have been a LOT worse...

Tegan said...

His nose was extremely bloody, which made for great excitement in the stands, as you can hear near the end of the video. BLOOD!

Tegan said...

Oh, and he's eating a plate of ice cream with half a banana hidden in it while his partner chugs a root beer.

Jared said...

Well, it could have been a competition where you run in between a row of chairs, spin on a baseball bat, then run back. A girl did that once in our youth group (after just getting back from New Zealand) and suffered a skull fracture.

He sounds like he has a great sense of humor about it, though.

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